Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e. V.
Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)

Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e.V. Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)
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Malta – 10. 04. 2024

German Ambassador Tanja Beyer visits CABS Bird Guards in the field

+++ PRESS RELEASE - 10 APRIL 2024 +++

Malta. This morning - the first day of the controversial spring hunting season in Malta - CABS staff and volunteers met with a delegation from the German Embassy. During a walk along the Dwejra Lines, Ambassador Tanja Beyer got a flavour of the work of the CABS 'Bird Guards' and discussed the current situation with regards to migratory bird protection and poaching on the Mediterranean island, including the continued persecution of protected birds of prey, as well as the mass trapping of finches and other songbirds in spring. Other topics included the ongoing proceedings against Malta before the European Court of Justice for violation of the EU Birds Directive and the results of CABS´ ongoing operations, in which a total of 34 poachers have been convicted since March and more than 300 live birds have been confiscated by the police.

Contact for more information: CABS Press Officer Axel Hirschfeld, +49 179 4803805 or Email to CABS[at]komitee.de