Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e. V.
Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)

Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e.V. Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)
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Research and Lobbying in Spain

CABS and our partner associations agree a strategy to tackle poaching in Valencia 2011
CABS and our partner associations agree a strategy to tackle poaching in Valencia 2011

Spain has a strong hunting lobby - our actions against poaching have only become possible here after many years of working from our lobby work for better legislation.

Our primary aim was to overturn the derogations for bird-trapping that existed in Spain until 2018. Information had to be collected and forwarded to the EU, and our partner associations, with our support, submitted complaints in Brussels and carried out public relations work on the ground. Only through this office based lobby work was it possible to bring down the trapping permits - first the limestick trapping sites, then gradually the nets. With our support, an attempt by the regional government of Valencia in 2010 to allow reintroduce the use of limesticks failed again. 

On the ground we initially had considerable problems with police support. The special police unit designated for combating poaching were initially not allowed to work during the night. Most poaching, however, takes place in the dark, so that the operations of the officers during daylight were understandably not very successful. Behind this regulation were by no means security considerations, as we were led to believe, but a prank by the hunter-friendly administration. The Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) has reached out with letters of complaint and proposed dates to the superior offices requesting that the policemen may also work at night. One of the decisive factors was a published CABS video. It showed a CABS team trying unsuccessfully to persuade the police to go out at night.