Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e. V.
Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)

Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e.V. Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)
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Jewels by the Baltic Sea

View over the big pond in Raisdorf
View over the big pond in Raisdorf

In the Schwentinental valley of Schleswig-Holstein, CABS acquired a pond property in 1984 and over the years expanded the reserve to include large meadows at the edge of the pond chain. The waters were fished out, the banks were designed to be natural and 'Kniks' - typical North German "wall hedges" - were planted along with orchards on the surrounding areas. The result is impressive, because today the protected area is home to numerous endangered animal and plant species. Kingfishers, reed warblers, goldeneyes and red-breasted grebes breed in the ponds, red-backed shrikes, warblers and thrushes in the hedges. White-tailed eagles, red kites, cranes and shorebirds visit the area in search of food. Rare butterfly and dragonfly species can be found as well as endangered plants - e.g. the broad-leaved orchid, water soldiers and the water violet. Of course, the main focus is on amphibians and reptiles, which occur in large numbers.

In addition to a good population the common toads, the waters are populated by moor frogs, tree frogs, crested newts and grass snakes. In autumn 2005, 15 new small water bodies - mainly for the tree frog and the fire-bellied toad - were created on the sites. In order to protect the large population of toads, a road running directly along the ponds is closed twice a year, saving thousands of amphibians from road death.

The area is not only a reserve for endangered species, but is also used for environmental education. An observation tower provides a clear view of parts of the ponds, children's groups and people interested in nature can go on excursions to get to know the area better and also receive important information on nature conservation and species protection.

In 1994 CABS also bought large parts of the nearby Schwentine meadows. The species-rich floodplain landscape with its near-natural cultural landscape is now part of a long-term project for the conservation of meadow landscapes.

In 2014, the Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) took over the sponsorship of the "Froschland Project", which uses funds from the "Landesumweltministeiusm" of Schleswig-Holstein to rehabilitate existing waters and create new ones.