Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e. V.
Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)

Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e.V. Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)
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Research and Lobbying in France

In France, bird-trapping is still permitted in many regions. Medieval and brutal limestickshorsehair snaresstone-crush traps and nets are considered "cultural assets worth protecting". While in all other EU countries we can combat the use of such bird traps with concrete measures on the ground - be it through police actions or by dismantling sites - in France we do not have the opportunity to intervene directly and practically against bird trapping. The only exception is the trapping of Ortolan bunting, which is banned even in hunt-friendly France and which we are working against within the framework of our bird protection camps in the foothills of the Pyrenees.

Our commitment against bird-trapping in France therefore often takes place from our desks. During research and compliance checks to the trapping regions, we collect information regarding the reality of the situation, document compliance with legal provisions and gather evidence of abuse of the derogations provided for in the EU Birds Directive for traditional bird-trapping. Our extensive dossiers summarise our observations and make them available to authorities, media representatives and partner associations. In this way, we enable the public to take a different look at the conditions surrounding traditional bird-trapping, which is usually presented in a whitewashed and glorified way by local hunting associations or authorities. 

Where we find concrete infringements of EU law, we turn directly to the EU Commission and put forward solid arguments, but also apply political pressure through our contacts with the EU Parliament, to promote a reassessment of the situation around the legalisation of bird-trapping in France. Information as well as picture and film material will also be given to nature and animal protection organisations working against bird-trapping in France. CABS is often the only source for authentic pictorial material.