Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e. V.
Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)

Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e.V. Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)
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Projects for better protection of migratory birds

Karte Karte

Short video by "Terra Mater" on CABS campaigns and operations throughout across Europe.

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The film company "Terra Mater Studios" is known for its nature documentaries in cinema, television and on multimedia platforms. In April 2022, they released a short film about CABS’ work for stronger migratory bird protection in the Mediterranean.

The 7-minute English-language video entitled "Why Millions of Songbirds Never Return from their Wintering Grounds" has been published on Youtube.


Hunters, poachers, bird trappers and animal traders threaten our migratory birds everywhere along their migration routes. The Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) is working across Europe to better protect our wild birds from persecution: With boots on the ground, lobbying, research, public relations, expert liaison, legal casework and support for local wildlife conservation and animal protection groups, we protect birds where the authorities fail.

In Italy, France and Spain, on Malta, Cyprus and Lebanon we conduct regular bird protection camps during the peak migration periods of spring and autumn; where tens of thousands of illegal traps and nets are collected, resulting in thousands of birds being saved both directly and indirectly. By working in close cooperation with the police, security forces and hunting regulators, we bring hundreds of poachers to justice throughout Europe every year during our operations, thus ensuring a sustainable fight against illegal bird-catching and bird hunting.

In the EU and in Eastern Europe countries we are committed to combatting pet trade and trophy hunting, researching wild bird trafficking networks and bird traders and providing expert advice to the authorities, customs and appropriate governmental regulatory bodies.

In Germany, we advocate for stronger hunting and nature conservation laws, monitor waterfowl hunting in northern and eastern Germany in winter and are involved in the protection of birds of prey and the national monitoring scheme for raptor persecution. In addition, we maintain a species-rich floodplain and pond landscape in our Schleswig-Holstein protected areas. Furthermore, the Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) supervises projects across Germany to protect Marsh and Montagu's harrier and the Black tern.