Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e. V.
Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)
Why do people hunt wild birds?
Wild birds for consumption
Collecting wild birds
Control and killing
Wild birds as decoys
Big Business and profiteering
Bird hunting as a tradition
How do people hunt wild birds?
Shooting of wild birds
Trapping of wild birds
Bird trapping with nets
Poisoning of wild birds
Nest robbery
Decoys and lures
Where is wild bird hunting happening?
What wild bird species are effected?
Who targets wild birds?
Our work against wild bird poaching
Wild birds and the law
The EU Birds Directive
Derogations in Europe
Other legal bases
Tourism boycotts?
Campaigns and Operations
Bird trapping in Italy
Bow traps
Snap traps
Stone crush traps
Horsehair snares
Bird shooting in Italy
Shooting and the law in Italy
Hunting hides - 'Capanni'
Derogations in Italy
Illegal hunting
Bird trade in Italy
Songbirds in Restaurants
Wildbirds and the pet trade
Wildbirds for use as decoys
Songbird imports from Tunisia
Illegal Bird of Prey trade
Poaching Hotspots
Brescia (Lombardy)
Bolzano (South Tyrol)
The Po Delta (Veneto)
Ponza and Palmarola (Lazio)
Ischia (Gulf of Naples)
Strait of Messina (Calabria)
Apulia (the 'heel of Italy's boot)
Bird Protection Camps - Italy
Bird Protection Camp - Brescia
Bird Protection Camp - Bolzano
Bird Protection Camp - The Po Delta
Bird Protection Camp - Sardinia
Bird Protection Camp - Lazio
Bird Protection Camp - Ischia
Bird Protection Camp - Calabria
Bonelli's Eagle Project
Research and Lobbying
The Wildlife Rescue Centre "Il Pettirosso" in Modena
Successes in Italy
Bird trapping in Malta
Finch trapping
Wader trapping
Use of live decoys for bird hunting
Bird shooting in Malta
Spring hunting in Malta
Shooting of Protected Species
Use of electronic decoys
Bird massacre in Mizieb
Bird trade in Malta
Bird Protection Camps - Malta
Operations against illegal finch trapping
Operations to protect Birds of Prey
Operations to monitor wader trapping
Successes in Malta
Bird trapping in Cyprus
Electronic decoys
Bird trapping on the British SBAs
Songbirds as a delicacy
Ground nets in Cyprus
Bird shooting in Cyprus
Bird poaching in northern Cyprus
Bird Protection Camps - Cyprus
Our Bird Protection Camps on Cyprus
Affected Species
Research and Lobbying
Successes in Cyprus
Bird shooting in Lebanon
Bird of Prey poaching
Lesser Spotted Eagle poaching
Stork massacres
Lesser Spotted Eagle poaching
Stork shooting
Songbird poaching
Night hunting
Decoys for hunting
Trophy hunters and social media
The Lebanese Hunting Law
Bird trapping in Lebanon
Bird trapping with nets
Bird trapping with limesticks
Bird trade in Lebanon
Frozen warblers in supermarkets
Private bird collections
'Trophy' birds
Songbirds for the pet trade
Goldfinch trade
Bird Protection Camps - Lebanon
Videos 2017
Videos 2018
Videos 2019
Bird species affected
Research and Lobbying
Successes in Lebanon
Our partners in Lebanon
Raptor Persecution in Germany
Raptor Persecution Monitoring Scheme - E.D.G.A.R.
Raptor Persecution - Trapping
Raptor Persecution - Poisoning
Raptor Persecution - Shooting
Raptor Persecution - Nest robbery
Raptor Persecution - Nest Destruction
Bird trapping in Germany
Songbird trade in Germany
Bird shooting in Germany
Waterfowling in Germany
Excessive release of huntable species
Requirements for a review of the hunting law
Harrier Protection Project
CABS reserve in Schleswig-Holstein
"Frogland" Project
Schwentine meadows Project
Black Tern Project
Successes in Germany
Bird trapping in France
Champagne: Lapwing trapping with nets
Ardennes: Thrush trapping with Horsehair snares
Aquitanien: Skylark trapping with clap nets
Les Landes: Ortolan bunting cage traps
Cévennes: Stone-crush traps
Provence: Limesticks
Judgments of the European Court of Justice 2021
Bird shooting in France
Bird Protection Camps - France
Ortolan - Bird Protection Camp
Compliance checks in other trapping areas
Research and Lobbying
Successes in France
Bird trapping with limesticks and nets
Bird trapping with limesticks
Bird trapping with nets
Bird trapping with snap traps
Bird Protection Camps - Spain
Research and Lobbying
Successes in Spain
Migratory bird slaughter on Zakynthos
Santorini - Poaching in a holiday paradise
Wild bird trade
Wildbird imports from overseas
Trade in Birds of Prey
European wild birds in cage and aviary
Online taxidermy trade
Songbirds for the cooking pot
Live decoys for hunting
International Projects
Bird hunting bag statistics in Europe
52 million birds shot each year
Campaign against turtle dove hunting
Turtle dove hunting in Italy
Derogations from the Birds Directive
Hunting ban saves Turtle doves
Annual Reports
Get involved
Protest Campaigns
Report an incident
Supporter Membership
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Supporter Membership
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Press Releases
Emptying The Skies
Social Media
CABS Newsletter
Contact us
Downloads and Reports
Bird Protection Timetable
Report an incident
About us
Our ethos
Bird Protection Camps - Overview
Public Relations
Research and Lobbying
Taking wildlife crime to the courts
Our history
Partner Organisations
Board and legal notice