Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e. V.
Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)

Komitee gegen den Vogelmord e.V. Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS)
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Libanon – 28. 09. 2021

Globally endangered birds rescued in Lebanon – raid in private zoo leads to confiscation of three Egyptian Vultures.

All birds confirmed with old gun shot injuries.

Bird protection activists and officials from the Internal Security Forces (ISF) in Lebanon successfully conducted an operation to save three extremely rare Egyptian Vultures from illegal captivity in a private zoo in the south of Lebanon, the Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) said today. The mission, coordinated by CABS, the Anti-Poaching Unit of the Middle East Sustainable Hunting Centre (MESHC), Lebanese Wildlife and the Society for the Protection of Nature in Lebanon (SPNL) was the first of its kind in Hezbollah-controlled territory and is being regarded as a major sting against the illegal trade of protected vultures, eagles and other migratory birds in the country. 

A judge authorised the confiscation of the vultures after CABS provided evidence that the birds were illegally taken from the wild. The vultures were subsequently taken to a vet where x-rays confirmed that all three birds had repaired fractures consistent with gunshot injuries and two birds were riddled with lead pellets, proving that they have been shot down and illegally taken into captivity. „Unfortunately, their injuries are so severe that these beautiful creatures will never be able to fly in the wild again. We are in contact with captive breeding programmes in Europe who are willing to take these birds so they can spend the rest of their lives in professional care and may contribute to the survival of their species”, CABS Press Officer Axel Hirschfeld said.

Illegal persecution for wildlife trade and taxidermy in Lebanon and other countries are the primary threats to the survival of numerous migratory birds including vultures, eagles, falcons and many other European species. Egyptian Vultures are considered globally endangered. According to the Vulture Conservation Foundation the population of the species is in crisis, with a dramatic 50% decline in the last 40 years across their range; and 80% decline in the numbers found on the Balkan Peninsula alone.

Yesterday’s raid, is part of a major campaign against bird poaching and trade in Lebanon, organised by CABS and its local partners. The campaign focuses on the rampant shooting and trapping throughout the country, which is estimated to cost the lives of several million migratory birds every year.

More information about CABS activities in Lebanon and other countries in the Mediterranean can be found here:

www.komitee.de, @CABSREPORTS on Facebook, CABS_REPORTS on Instagram and Twitter

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Contact for more information: CABS Press Office +49 1794803805 or Email to CABS@komitee.de